Refer A Senior to Active Ageing Centre

The eligibility of our beneficiaries under the Active Ageing Centre (AAC) is as follows:

  • Senior Citizens and Permanent Residents aged 60 years & above
  • Seniors staying near the AAC

If you know of a senior or have a parent who lives within the service boundary of our AACs, do recommend them to drop in at our AAC.

Refer A Senior for Befriending Services

The eligibility of beneficiaries under the Befriending Services are as follows:

  • 60 years old & above
  • Singapore citizens or Permanent Residents
  • Generally have at least one or two of the following risk factors:
    1. Living alone or as good as living alone and feels lonely
    2. Limited or no social support
    3. Primary caregiver for someone with high care needs
    4. Limited social interaction due to physical or cognitive impairment

If you know of seniors who meet the above criteria, you can help by referring them to Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) through the Integrated Referral Management System (IRMS). Click here to submit a referral.

You may also find the nearest AAC near you through the E-locator.


Refer A Senior for Community Case Management Service

The eligibility of our beneficiaries under Community Case Management Service is as follows:

  • 60 years & above
  • Limited or no family support and require continual assistance
  • Vulnerable, with self-care issues due to social isolation, depression and / or physical disabilities
  • Require some help with Activities of Daily Living ** (ADL) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) ***

Residents below 60 years old would be considered on a case-by-case basic.

** The six activities of daily living (ADL) set by the Ministry of Health (MOH) are mobility, feeding, transferring, dressing, bathing and toileting.

*** IADL includes the six daily tasks: Housekeeping, Meal Preparation, Medication Intake, Shopping, Use of Telephone and Money Management

If you know of seniors who meet the above criteria, you can help by referring them to us.

Seniors who do not meet the criteria but have extenuating reasons would be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Download Referral Form

Email or fax the completed form to the respective Community Case Management Service office:

  1. LB CCMS @ Bukit Timah / Clementi / Queenstown || Email :| Tel : 6681 4020 | Fax : 6258 2982 
  2. LB CCMS @ Changi / Tampines || Email : | Tel : 6681 4939 | Fax : 6643 5059


Refer A Senior for Home Personal Care

The eligibility of our beneficiaries under Home Personal Care is as follows:

  • All referrals must go through Agency for Integrated Care
  • All clients must be means-tested
  • Fees will be determined after national means testing

Singapore citizens or permanent residents who meet the admission criteria are eligible to apply for government subsidy. The amount of subsidy will be determined through a national means test.

To refer a senior, please contact the LB Home Personal Care department at 6681 4950/6681 4951 or email