Community well-being and support services

Refer A Senior

Since the new Eldercare model (EC) was implemented by MOH on 3 May 2021, all new Befriending referrals henceforth will need to be centrally submitted through Agency for Integrated Care’s (AIC) Integrated Referral Management System (IRMS). Click here to submit a referral.

All Befriending referrals will be allocated according to the respective Active Ageing Centre’s service boundaries, or Interim Befriending Panel (IBP) like Lions Befrienders, upon your submission via the IRMS system. Your referral will be processed, assessed and its status will be updated by the assigned service provider in the same system as well.

For assistance, please email

Interim Befriending provides social support to seniors through home visits and phone calls, at locations designated by AIC.

Programme Objectives

  • Reduce the isolation of lonely seniors and improve their well-being.
  • Enable lonely seniors to age-in-place with community support.
  • Provide seniors with access to contacts and sources of help.

Profile & eligibility criteria

  • 60 years old & above
  • Singapore citizens or Permanent Residents.
  • Generally have at least one or two of the following risk factors:
    1. Living alone or as good as living alone and feels lonely.
    2. Limited or no social support.
    3. Primary caregiver for someone with high care needs.
    4. Limited social interaction due to physical or cognitive impairment.