LB seniors Mr Goh and Mdm Lee were married in 1990, just six months after they met.

In Sickness And In Health

LB seniors Mr Goh Leng Seng and Mdm Lee Beng Guat, both 67, first met when a mutual friend of Mr Goh and Mdm Lee’s elder sister introduced them to each other. It turned out to be a perfect match, as Mr Goh and Mdm Lee decided to get engaged merely three months following their initial encounter, walking down the aisle soon after in February 1990.

Mr Goh gushed, “She left me an impression as someone who took good care of the elderly and her family members. In my mind, someone with a kind heart and who loved her family would make a wonderful partner.”

After they became husband and wife, Mdm Lee assisted Mr Goh and his mother in selling kway chap at a hawker centre, and the couple eventually took over the stall when Mr Goh’s mother retired from the trade. “Life was difficult. We worked from morning till night, even after we had two children,” Mr Goh recalled. “(My wife) had to sacrifice so much for the family, yet she did it without any complaints.”

Mr Goh and Mdm Lee 2
Mr Goh cherishes Mdm Lee, who supported him throughout life's hardships.

Things did not get any easier for the couple over the years, as Mr Goh suffered from a major debilitating illness when he was in his mid-50s, forcing them to permanently wind up their hawker business. For the next six years, Mdm Lee was close by a stricken Mr Goh’s side, steadfastly tending to her husband until he was finally nursed back to health.

Overcoming such an ordeal has allowed Mr Goh and Mdm Lee to slow down their pace of life. In the mornings, they would go for leisurely walks along the park connector near their residence in Ghim Moh, before heading over to LB AAC @ Ghim Moh 18 to participate in the different programmes conducted there.

Mr Goh views his recovery as a rebirth, giving him a new perspective of many things, especially in terms of doing his part for society. Today, both husband and wife are active senior volunteers at the AAC, serving fellow LB seniors together in one heart and mind. During group outings, for example, they would look after the seniors, helping them board and alight the coach, as well as ensuring their safety and well-being throughout the trip.

“In the past, because of my sickness and various types of stress, we never got to do the things we enjoyed,” Mr Goh explained. “I once thought I had no more hope, but since I now have a new lease of life, we will do our utmost to give back to the community. We never think of getting anything in return, but when we volunteer together, our relationship is enriched as we communicate more and take part in activities as a couple. At LB, everyone has become like a big family. The satisfaction we derive from this cannot be described!”

Mdm Lee added, “We get along very well with the seniors here. Whenever they are going out (for outings), they would ask, ‘Will you be coming together with us?’”

Mr Goh and /Mdm Lee enthusiastically participate in different activities at LB AAC @ Ghim Moh 18.

Asked what they had to say about each other in closing, Mdm Lee replied, “(Mr Goh) is really a good husband and gentleman. He is so caring towards everyone in all kinds of ways from big to small!”

In response, Mr Goh said, “I am very grateful for everything she has done for our family. Her contribution is unlike anything else, up to this very day.”

Mr Goh and Mdm Lee’s marriage truly embodies the spirit of enduring love in sickness and in health. As they celebrate their 34th wedding anniversary in 2024, we wish this adorable couple many good years of joy and marital bliss ahead! 

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